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- Researchers demonstrate how changing the stem cell response to inflammation may reverse periodontal disease
- Breakthrough for tomorrow’s dentistry
- Researchers ask: how sustainable is your toothbrush?
- Polymers prevent potentially hazardous mist during dentist visit
- Stopping tooth decay before it starts — without killing bacteria
- Cancer mutations caused by bacterial toxin preventable
- Atomic force microscopy reveals nanoscale dental erosion from beverages
- Smile: Atomic imaging finds root of tooth decay
- Gum disease may raise risk of some cancers
- Robot jaws shows medicated chewing gum could be the future
- Materials scientists drill down to vulnerabilities involved in human tooth decay
- Tongue microbes provide window to heart health
- Could the cure for IBD be inside your mouth?
- Harnessing pickle power to promote dental health
- Cavity-causing bacteria assemble an army of protective microbes on human teeth