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- Antibiotics that dentists prescribe are unnecessary 81% of the time
- Presence of oral bacteria in cerebral emboli of stroke patients
- The healing power of a smile: A link between oral care and substance abuse recovery
- Protect protruding teeth from damage and long-term consequences
- Surface protein editing in bacteria
- Your genetic make-up has little impact on your dental health, new study finds
- Common oral infections in childhood may increase the risk of atherosclerosis in adulthood
- Dentists can be the first line of defense against domestic violence
- An army of micro-robots can wipe out dental plaque
- Sleep Apnea: Oral appliance could help you (and your partner) sleep better
- The history of humanity in your face
- Teeth whitening products can harm protein-rich tooth layer
- Gum bacteria implicated in Alzheimer’s and other diseases
- Anti-inflammatory plant-based diet helps reduce gingivitis
- New technique could help regrow tissue lost to periodontal disease