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- Proteins in tooth enamel offer window into human wellness
- Getting to the root of the problem: Intensive diabetes treatment reduces gum disease inflammation
- Altered blood markers detected in individuals with periodontitis
- Shedding light on how oral bacteria can aggravate rheumatoid arthritis
- Shedding light on how oral bacteria can aggravate rheumatoid arthritis
- From cavities to sleep apnea: Dentists can assume new role in saving lives
- Open wide: Human mouth bacteria reproduce through rare form of cell division
- Protect your teeth with fruit: antimicrobial effects found in biomass compounds
- Scientists identify possible new transmission factor in hospital-acquired Klebsiella infections
- New device inspired by python teeth doubles strength of rotator cuff repairs
- Hidden challenges of tooth loss and dentures revealed in new study
- Matcha mouthwash inhibits bacteria that causes periodontitis
- Clarifying the cellular mechanisms underlying periodontitis with an improved animal model
- Scientists extract genetic secrets from 4,000-year-old teeth to illuminate the impact of changing human diets over the centuries
- New method to test for oral cancer