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- A focus on dental health can protect children from becoming overweight
- Science meets archaeology with discovery that dental X-rays reveal Vitamin D deficiency
- Dental filling failure linked to smoking, drinking and genetics
- How caries-causing bacteria can survive in dental plaque
- Dry mouth symptoms can be side effect of certain medications for older adults
- Nanodiamonds show promise for aiding recovery from root canal
- Better food choices near schools for healthier teeth
- Antimicrobial gel could improve root canal results
- RANKL expressed by osteocytes has an important role in orthodontic tooth movement
- Inflamed support cells appear to contribute to some kinds of autism
- Antibiotics for dental procedures linked to superbug infection
- Dentists get cracking on the stem cell front
- Highly virulent bacterium causes rampant caries in some children
- New ‘bioactive’ glass puts minerals back into damaged teeth
- Household environment, not genetics, shapes salivary microbes