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- New gonorrhea treatment targets enzyme needed for respiration
- Blocking yeast-bacteria interaction may prevent severe biofilms that cause childhood tooth decay
- When do wisdom teeth have to be removed?
- Visiting virtual beach improves patient experiences during dental procedures
- Common periodontal pathogen may interfere with conception in women
- The secrets of tooth calcium revealed
- Use of prefabricated blood vessels may revolutionize root canals
- Forensic technique uses forehead X-rays to assess age of juvenile remains
- Exposure to specific toxins and nutrients during late pregnancy and early life correlate with autism risk
- Recreational cannabis, used often, increases risk of gum disease
- Tooth truth: Human teeth tell the story of humanity through our fragile relationship with the sun
- Pufferfish and humans share the same genes for teeth
- Grape seed extract could extend life of resin fillings
- Mouse teeth providing new insights into tissue regeneration
- With synthetic mucus, researchers take aim at antibiotic resistance