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- Smartphones and machine learning used to measure sleep patterns
- Crooked bite may indicate early life stress
- Drinking iced tea may boost cholera risk in endemic countries
- New research comes to terms with old ideas about canker sores
- Successful method to reduce dental implant failure
- Poor oral health, food scarcity major contributors to malnutrition in older adults
- Microbes evolved to colonize different parts of the human body
- Oral health key to understanding humanity’s past, study says
- Link between drug use and poor dental health confirmed
- Synthetic tooth enamel may lead to more resilient structures
- Tailored preventive oral health intervention improves dental health among elderly
- Research explores lasting effects of early preventive dental care in Medicaid-enrolled children
- Estrogen therapy shown effective in reducing tooth and gum diseases in postmenopausal women
- Prospect for more effective treatment of nerve pain
- Mapping a path to better oral health