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- Bacterium lassoes its way from the mouth to the heart to cause disease
- Genetic defects in tooth enamel conducive to development of cavities
- Disparities found between Asian immigrants, sufficient access and utilization of dental services
- New dental implant with built-in reservoir reduces risk of infections
- Northern Quebec lichen yields two unique molecules and several antibacterial compounds
- What teeth reveal about the lives of modern humans
- Natural tooth repair method, using Alzheimer’s drug, could revolutionize dental treatments
- Dental implants with antibacterial activity and designed to facilitate integration into the bone
- Training to become a scuba diver? Start at the dentist
- New stem cell delivery approach regenerates dental pulp-like tissue in a rodent model
- UK soft drinks industry levy estimated to have significant health benefits, especially among children
- Researchers add to evidence that common bacterial cause of gum disease may drive rheumatoid arthritis
- Researchers link dental problems in cleft lip and palate to abnormal salivary glands
- Researchers find overwhelming evidence of malaria’s existence 2,000 years ago
- World-first therapeutic dental vaccine