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- It’s time to stop using bite marks in forensics, experts argue
- Mouth cancer rates soar over 20 years
- Precut salad may encourage growth of Salmonella
- First-ever study shows e-cigarettes cause damage to gum tissue
- Tooth wear patterns suggest Paranthropus early hominins had softer diets than expected
- Smoking electronic cigarettes kills large number of mouth cells
- Regular dental visits may help prevent pneumonia, study shows
- School-Based Dental Sealant Programs for Children Reduce Cavities and Costs
- Why some dental implants work and others don’t
- Combining dental, medical procedures may safely limit children’s anesthesia exposure
- Using selfies to help improve tooth-brushing techniques
- Benefits of laser treatments for dental problems
- Toothpaste significantly reduces dental plaque, inflammation throughout the body
- Ancient fish illuminates one of the mysteries of childhood
- Dreading your next trip to the dentist?