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Se Habla Espanol
- Chicago Dental Society honors three dentists at CDS Midwinter Meeting
- Campaign reports national increase in kids’ brushing
- Certificate for International Volunteer Service application deadline July 1
- Just The Facts – March 7
- Snapshots of American Dentistry – March 7
- ADA ‘concerned’ tobacco companies introducing products without proper review
- Role of tiny bubbles in teeth cleaning identified
- Improving dental hygiene products through virtual brushing
- Dentists can help patients ‘savor the flavor’ of healthy eating
- Register for National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit
- Applications for ADA Institute for Diversity in Leadership for 2016-17 program due May 2
- Uniformed dental services meet with ADA
- ADA asks lawmakers to help combat prescription opioid abuse
- Researchers find association between oral bacteria and esophageal cancer