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Root Canal Treatment
The tooth is a structure composed of hard enamel on the outside, softer dentin within and an interior cavity that holds nerves, blood vessels and other tissues that are known as the pulp. This inner cavity, or the root canal, may become damaged. A root canal treatment can often be used to save or protect a tooth that has suffered from decay or infection that is severe enough to affect the root canal.
Our LA City Dentist root canal treatment expert may recommend a root canal if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Severe toothache
- Discoloration of the tooth
- Heightened sensitivity to cold or heat
- Throbbing pain that lingers at night
- A pimple or swelling at the base of the tooth
- Sensitivity to pressure
If the affected tooth is not treated, the infection can spread into the surrounding tissues and trigger bone loss around the root of the tooth. This can result in the loss of the tooth or damage to adjacent teeth.
Root Canal Treatment
During a root canal treatment, our expert in root canal treatment in LA City Dentist will begin by taking x-rays of the area to identify the canals and surrounding structure. The tissues around the affected tooth will then be numbed, and the inner chambers will be opened to improve access. The infected and diseased tissue will be removed, and the tooth will be cleaned. Medication may be added to the tooth to clear up any remaining infection, and the tooth will be sealed with a temporary filling.
Our LA City Dentist root canal treatment expert may recommend a secondary appointment if the infection was severe. Antibiotics or other medication may be prescribed to promote healing. Over-the-counter pain medication may be recommended to address any lingering discomfort. However, the tooth should not be extremely painful. After our expert in root canal treatment in LA City Dentist clears the tooth of any signs of infection, it will be filled with a special compound, and a filling or porcelain crown will be applied to restore and protect the tooth. Caring for a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment requires good dental hygiene that includes regular flossing and brushing.
Contact our dentist in LA City Dentist today to schedule your appointment.